Bonus post: Do you like me?

Do you remember back in the school days, before phones took over the world – there was thing thing called passing notes in class? Pen, paper and the anticipation of waiting for a response? I known so retro right.

There was one note in particular that everyone wanted at some point of their lives… which kinda goes something like this….

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#20. Time to call it

When I saw this post on IG with the backdrop of Taylor Swift’s Exile song, it set into motion today’s thoughts. Maybe it was time to call the relationship as hard as it is. No matter how much both sides want to keep going, there’s just been too much history, repeated conversations and problems, paradoxes of dilemmas to move forward together.

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#8. Hundos?

Hundos is such an American term… not entirely sure where I picked it up from. Most likely heard it somewhere or read it somewhere that I can’t remember ๐Ÿ˜‰ I like the idea of hundos, cause let’s face it – talking about finances is always a tricky topic to bring up. That being said, usually the initial stage of dating, people only really show you what they want you to see initially. Yet over time it’s evident what their true principles and values are when it comes to the ways of money.

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