2022 New Year’s Resolutions

Woohoo! We are officially well and truly here in the 7th day of the New Year which happens to be my favourite day. As Snoopy says, time to contemplate Unibookworm’s New Years Resolutions πŸ˜‰ The newbie 2022 planner is perfect in helping me keep track this year, it’s an actual Goals Planner and has these very colourful helpful worksheets at the opening. I’ve always been an advocate for SMART goals: Small Moments Achieve Real results in Time. Lucky for me these pages actually map it out yay. For 2022, I decided to reduce the usual golden 7 and cull it back to 5 goals this year. As #4 and #5 are going to take the better part of the year!

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Reflecting on the 2021 rewrite

Lake pond with reflection

Still kinda finding it surreal that we’ve reached the end of 2021 πŸ˜‰ Possibly because I spent the entire month of November on the couch recovering from the vaccine with Harry Potter fandom, it feels like I missed a month of my life! Regardless here we are, the end of year 2 of pandemic life (here’s hoping to a better year 3!). Besides the obvious perils of the 2020’s era life, it’s been a pretty big year for me πŸ˜‰ in the best way possible.

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2021 New Year Resolutions

So while 2020 was a year where I never actually got around to penning and posting my New Year Resolutions (I’m telling you, it’s like I had the 6th sense to know that it would be an unusual year), I figured 2021 is time to bring them back. This time they’re written in light of life in lockdown. πŸ˜‰ Posted on New Year’s day for once, so super proud!

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2016 New Year Resolutions =)

If you can dream it, you can do it, Image by Catch Smile

Image by Catch Smile

I’ve always made New Year resolutions, although admittedly by the end of Jan, they are completely forgotten! Most of the time we tend to forget them when we tried shooting for the stars and ended up far from there. But now that it’s 2016- I’ve finally come up with a fail safe way to actually keep them on the radar.

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